A warm welcome from our Vicar, David Simpson
Welcome to Holy Trinity Wandsworth!
However you got here, we’re so glad you did.
Here’s the two questions I get asked most about our church…
‘What kind of church are you?’ and, ‘Where do I fit in the church?’ Great questions!​​​​​
We’re a ‘bring your Bible’ kind of church.
We believe God speaks to us through the Bible, and that what he has to say to us is the most important thing we could hear.
You don’t need to know anything about the Bible before you come, but be prepared to be inspired and challenged by it when you do.​​​​​​​​
We’re an ‘it’s all about Jesus’ kind of church.
We’re not very churchy in many ways – our music is informal, we don’t dress up for Sundays and we try not to use too many confusing words.But we love to talk about Jesus who has changed our lives and who changes them a little more every day as we follow him and share life together.
We’re a ‘come as you are’ kind of church.​
Everyone is welcome, whoever they are and wherever they’re from. We mean it.
We are a diverse bunch, from many parts of the world and with very different backgrounds brought together by the encounter we’ve had with Jesus.

Where do I fit in?
We want to help everyone encounter God at Holy Trinity. There are a number of ways you might want to 'dip your toe in the water'...
Try Alpha
If you've never been to church, or you want to go over the basics, join us on Alpha. We run Alpha at various times of the year. It's a series of weekly sessions. We have a great time together, we have some food, watch a short talk and then discuss it. It's a space to ask any questions you might have about faith, life and purpose.
Visit on Sunday
We currently have two Sunday services and I encourage people to find the 'style' that they prefer.
Our 10:30AM service is relaxed. The music is often from a guitar, groups for kids (we're fine with noise and mess!) and a talk from the Bible.
Our 9AM service is more traditional. Think robes, candles and ancient liturgy that dates back to the start of the Church of England. Music from our lovely organ or the piano. Also with a talk from the Bible.
Both are great, you just need to decide what suits you!
I'll be on the door at the end of the service, I look forward to meeting you!